Style Sense


Working as a personal stylist in Sydney has made me realise just how much my female clients blame their own bodies when clothes don’t fit well.

However, from my 17 years working as a fashion designer, I know there’s a gazillion reasons (well maybe not that many) but loads of reasons that garments don’t fit our body type as per the size label they claim to be.

…and I know how demoralizing this can be for certain clients.

One of my primary aims as an image consultant is to share my industry insights and to teach clients my stylist tips & fashion advice, hence why I thought a great way to do this is through Mamamia, Australia’s largest independent women’s website, read my article here

I’m SO chuffed they chose to publish my blog post, i’m a huge supporter of women and know that fashion is never just about clothes, it’s about how we feel about what we see in the mirror every day – our personal branding.

Body confidence & clothing are deeply intertwined and I’m on a one-women-mission to make dressing and shopping a more positive experience for Australian women no matter what their shape or size.

Happy reading!!

Categories: Body ShapePersonal Styling ServiceStyle Makeover SydneyStylist Sydney
Tags: #bodyshape #personalstylistsydney #fashion # wardrobemakeoverservices
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