Mummy Makeover Sydney

This is when you’ve lost your style mojo and need practical fashion advice to get you back on track.

A “mummy makeover” works across many of my services and can be the main, or part, of our focus.

What Is A Mummy Makeover?

As a mum, it’s easy to forget ourselves, instead putting everyone else first. We need to rebuild our new identity relevant for our new role, effectively we need ‘re-branding’.

Becoming a parent can also mean we have a limited budget and time but we still want to look well-put-together, like we’re in control or our new life…. when sometimes the opposite is true!

I firmly believe you don’t have to sacrifice style for comfort, and I can show you what that looks like

As a PERSONAL STYLIST, I find that many mum’s clothe themselves because of what they need to do, rather than representing who they are, so the duties of the day take precedent.

Nesli needed a stylish outfit to wear day AND night that she could also breastfeed in

1/. Mummy Makeover : Working Mum

If you’ll be a working mum, my mummy makeover service gives you practical style advice to get you out the door quickly, as well as plan your daily outfits including weekend wear, so all you have to do is concentrate on your little one/s!

I can re-style your casual clothing in to office appropriate looks to elevate your PERSONAL BRAND and create more outfit options from what you already own!

2/. Mummy Makeover : Stay-at-Home Mum

If you’ll be a stay-at-home mum, my personal styling services will elevate your mom uniform from ‘mumsy’ to stylish, all within your budget. I can get you out of your active-wear and in to those clothes you’ve spent so much time and money getting in to your wardrobe!

I offer creative fashion tips to help re-purpose your career wardrobe to be more playground appropriate and dress for your new, more casual lifestyle.

3/. Mummy Makeover : A Bit Of Both!

You need versatile fashion styles to be able to outfit for work AND play so I show you what you need in your wardrobe, in what fabrics and what colours, including the vital component – comfortable yet stylish footwear!

Whatever your situation, I teach you effortless, practical fashion tips and offer product knowledge about appropriate fashion brands, click here to book in your transformation today!

Wardrobe Makeover : Restyling Office Wear For Stay-At-Home Mums

We can transform ex-office styles that no longer serve your casual stay-at-home lifestyle, such as this classic button through white shirt.

Restyle it to look more casual whilst looking contemporary and put-together.

Fashion Tips – 3 ways to wear a classic white shirt

1. Coffee date / shopping / appointments

2. Grocery shopping / playground / school pick-up (& because you’re layering a top over the shirt there’s not need to iron it!)

3. Girls night / date night (& only the sleeves & collar need ironing!)

Check out my successful mummy makeovers, what they look like and what they’re saying

wardrobe planner

For Mum’s Who need More Hours In The Day

Because we’ve planned your outfits, my mummy makeover gives you:

  • more hours in the day
  • more headspace to focus on other things
  • less confusing decisions to make
  • less stress & frustration
  • reassuring that you have everything you need in your wardrobe
  • the ability to accessorize instantly!
  • confident you look your best
wardrobes sydney

Mummy Makeover Outfit Formula

Statement tee + midi skirt + jacket + flat shoe

= flattering, stylish, comfortable & practical outfits!

Adopting an easy outfit formula such as the above, means you can look STYLISH & FEEL GREAT whilst still being able to run around after your kid/s! If you get hot, tie your lightweight jacket around your waist or throw in the pram!

By keeping your look edgy yet relaxed, you don’t appear ‘overdressed’ as none of my clients want to look like they have tried too hard!

Why Mums (or soon-to-be-mums) Benefit From A Colour Consultant

As an IMAGE CONSULTANT, I know that wearing colours that flatter YOUR particular features can have a profoundly positive effect on your self image (& wardrobe) for SO many reasons which you can read about here.

Click here to read my blog for Mama Tribe about THE 4 MOST FLATTERING COLOURS IN THE WORLD!

Does this sound like you? Then book in today!

mummy makeover sydney

Personal Shopper : Pregnancy Wardrobe…And Beyond

I help improve your fashion style from the very first stages of pregnancy. Each trimester brings a new challenge to an ever evolving baby bump and making sure you have the right pieces to rely on is crucial.


Dressing Your New Body Type

Post-partum we can have a different body type so the only way to flatter it, is to understand it. We may be lucky enough to revert back to the same weight on the scales, but generally the shape of your body changes and we may carry weight in areas that we’re not used to.

If you’re breast feeding then you need to read my blog:


Addressing & Dressing Your New Role

Identifying your lifestyle is they factor when choosing clothes.

Personally, I lust after ‘fancy’ pieces but I know in reality, I’ll wear them rarely (read : hardly ever), so I focus my personal styling service on showing you how to get lots more wear from that section of your wardrobe we call ‘best’.

Here’s a few instagram examples of how I style my more ‘glitzy’ clothes for an elevated daytime occasion, click my facebook page for others.

fashion style
fashion style
fashion style

Fashion Blogger

I also wrote a second helpful little blog for Mama Tribe outlining 5 practical strategies on how to wear your ‘nicer’ clothes more often, click here to read!

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