personal branding

I teamed up with the incredibly creative and talented personal brand expert, Emma Duzhnikova

Emma helps her clients gain credibility and grow their networks, using her Personal Branding Methodology, based off of 20+ years of international branding experience

We did an insta live (it was our very first attempt, technical difficulties to be expected, right?) all about personal branding, watch Insta Reel here – although maybe put the kettle on as it takes a couple of minutes to start… 😉

I also wrote Emma a little article about personal branding & how to influence using clothes, plus strategies to help you find YOUR personal style

Personal Branding & Influencing Using Fashion Style

The very first experience we have with someone is visual

Our self image, otherwise know as our personal brand, *speaks* before we even open our mouth

Living in an increasingly visual world with our focus depleting daily, personal branding is really the only way to differentiate ourselves from our competitors and I cannot overstate it’s importance.

Click here to continue reading to ensure you discover your personal brand


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