best personal stylist Sydney

Certain personal styling clients have such a transformation that a few ‘before & after’ photos just don’t do their journey justice.

We need to hear their story.

Lisa Munro’s Full Makeover experience was so profoundly positive, she’s been telling everyone, including her thousands of followers, about it.

And to say I’m thrilled, is an understatement, as it means she’s genuinely shifted her happiness scale upwards.


Learning to like your self-image is THE most radical thing you’ll do in your lifetime and unfortunately most of us suffer for too long, unnecessarily


This article is a giant testimonial of self acceptance, empowerment with a jump in confidence that wouldn’t feel out of place with a brass band accompaniment xXx

My Purpose As A Personal Stylist

One of my driving purposes is to re-connect my image consultant clients with their wardrobe so they enjoy it more, through understanding how to make the best of their individual look.

And Lisa nailed it.

Miss Munro = Miss Monroes

Apart from working a corporate job, Lisa is also a #ladyboss & #solopreneur founding Miss Monroes premium anti-chafe lingerie. She designs, manufactures and sells in Australia, helping thousands of women feel more confident about the clothes they wear.


Stage 1 : Colour Empowerment

Understanding why certain shades flatter you, whilst others don’t is incredibly empowering and has numerous benefits. It’s the first step to liking what we see staring back at us every day because, put simply;

Flattering colours helps us feel better about the skin we’re in

A colour consultant service sets the foundations to curate your dream wardrobe!

So, I’m going to sit back and let Lisa do (most of) the talking with her first hand experience of her style makeover …

colour consultant sydney
Showing a similar bespoke colour wallet

Stage 2 : Body Type Empowerment


Like many of us [read : 99.9%] Lisa has struggled with her body image.

Body types are a subject that makes many women feel uncomfortable, even a little painful, so we need to talk about it, hence my devoted August facebook posts all about clothing sizes.

We hold so much value and self worth on how low that number is on that teeny tiny polyester tag, don’t we?

So much so, I wrote an article about it for a little blog called MamaMia.

Re-wiring The Way We Think About Our Body Types

Body image issues don’t have to be weight related but I hear lots of people say they’d love to see me but…

“…when they loose weight”

But for many that doesn’t happen.

They wait and wait but the reality is that their comfortable, natural weight is the size they’re at.

It’s like they don’t deserve to feel good or they’ll be giving in to their weight gain if they buy bigger clothes.

But this waiting game is often just that – a game that becomes increasingly hard to win, so I encourage honestly and finding peace with your body so instead of constantly working against it, you work with it.

body types

Certain personal styling clients are shocked at how challenging dressing STILL is although they’re 2 sizes smaller!! It’s often because UNBALANCED BODY PROPORTIONS are harder to dress than body SIZE

You can change your body SIZE, but it’s more difficult to change your body TYPE

I hear this FAR too often

During my personal shopper VIP experience, I show you flattering clothes that FIT YOUR BODY you never knew existed!

Now Lisa knows how to enhance her ‘best bits’ with the right colours, cuts and fabrics AND where to shop for these!

Lisa has quieted her negative internal dialogue (that we all have) by changing her narrative, focusing instead on the positives.

And there’s MANY !!

Couldn’t agree more x

Stage 3 : Personal Style Empowerment

The last thing I would do as a personal stylist is try to change Lisa’s personal style, but I do want to identify and evolve it, so that means taking the essence of what she loves, but make it represent the new ‘her’.

Lisa is fundamentally feminine and glamorous with a boho edge,but she wanted a more sophisticated femininity, cleaner and more contemporary.

Updating Lisa’s Fashion Style

She had a denim pencil skirt in her current wardrobe that we styled up during session 1, the Personal Analysis & Wardrobe Makeover, but we later realised that it still didn’t feel true to the way Lisa’s fashion style was developing, so we bought her a new one that totally nailed her brief!

Don’t get hung up on a duplicating a style your friend might wear as chances are, they’ll have a different body shape and fashion style to you!

Let’s find YOUR version.

This is Lisa’s version of a denim skirt – a feminine denim look pleat skirt!

Stage 4 : Wardrobe Makeover Outfits

BEFORE I arrived for Lisa’s Wardrobe Makeover…..and AFTER!!

But look at just some of her brand new outfits we created from her current wardrobe (we’ve generated about 250 outfits total post her personal shop) !! We work-shopped accessories, solved layering problems, talked turn-ups and everything in between!

Then Lisa catagorised her outfits as a quick reference every morning because having 2 jobs, means you don’t have much time to think!! :-

Because black isn’t one of Lisa’s best shades, I helped her outfit it in more flattering and glamorous way which suits her personal clothes style.

Lisa looks more modern & polished

Stage 5 : Personal Shopper Outfits

Lisa needs to feel confident about the self image she shows the world and her Miss Monroe customers, so we’ need to ensure we’re dressing the woman she’s becoming, not the woman she’s was.

Lisa’s transformation needed to be

internal AND external

So we hit the shops for a VIP Personal Shopper session to complete Lisa’s makeover!

Re-wiring The Way We Think About Shopping

Lisa had a default setting when it came to how much money she would spend on one piece:

“…. only because my brain thinks it needs lots of outfits for variety and buying cheaper means I get more for my money ” ~ Lisa

When actually, it’s simply about buying the right mix & match pieces which I show you using my 20 years fashion experience dressing women! Plus, this is more ethic and sustainable way to build your wardrobe, the result of which are on her below instagram @missmonroesshop

You can see where Lisa’s old fashion style, which isn’t particularly ‘bad’, it just didn’t show Lisa to her best, it can get frustrating when we’re not fulfilling our potential, can’t it, across any area of our lives actually!?

Old Fashion Style

  • feminine and soft
  • lots of black & white which I see a lot during my styling sessions
  • only a few full body shots which are often distorted
  • using images NOT of her when she IS her brand!
  • Lisa almost fades in to the background


Old fashion style

….she embraced and enhanced her personal brand!!

New Fashion Style

  • stronger and powerful
  • bolder, happy to be ‘seen’
  • more sexy sophisticated
  • grown up womanly, less girly
  • in-control
  • polished
  • modern & elegant
  • confident
  • ready to take on the world
  • inspiring her Miss Monroes customers
  • playful, even mischievous!
  • HAPPY, you cannot fake an honest smile 🙂

New fashion style

She’s now striking, can’t-take-your-eyes-off-self-assured!

My Unique Personal Styling Services

I hope this cosmic SHIFT is Lisa’s happiness and body confidence can inspire you, or someone you know, to undergo a personal styling session and if you love reading about my clients journeys then let me know and I’ll create more.

I understand that opening yourself up to a image consultant session can make you feel a little vulnerable, but clients will tell you about my non-judgemental approach and that I’ll probably love your wardrobe more than you do x


Clothes are powerful and knowing how to use them to your advantage is your edge over your peers.

You’ll be amazed at how much you learn about yourself during my personal styling services, it’s knowledge we should ALL be armed with – it’s about sanity, not vanity.

I believe if we learnt how to work with what we have at a much earlier age, society would be much happier.

Total Style & Mindset Makeover!

total style makeover

This is feedback from another delighted personal styling client also represents the thoughts of many:

YOU ARE WORTH IT so let’s chat about starting your new style journey today

