Wardrobe Makeover

We’ll re-style your closet in ways you’d never thought possible so you feel like you have a BRAND NEW WARDROBE!

personal stylist sydney

There’s so much untapped potential in your wardrobe, you just need a professional wardrobe planner to show you all your new outfits (yup, even those pieces from years ago).

I turn a cupboard full of ‘stuff in to a wardrobe full of outfits.

More items = more outfits.

Different Types of Wardrobe Makeover

I can deliver what ever type of Wardrobe Makeover YOU need:

online personal stylist

Wardrobe Workout

This service optimizes your current wardrobe by creating numerous new outfits so you gain much more value from what you already own.

We can focus on areas such as a work wear wardrobe to improve your PERSONAL BRAND, packing for a holiday or needing an outfit for an event.

Wardrobe Detox

For when you have a lot of clothes and need advice on what to keep or discard. We then organise your closet in to a functional space that no longer overwhelms you using different strategies depending on your comfort level.

This helps eliminate the guilt of owning too much, or needing your wardrobe to better reflect this new phase of your life.

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Mummy Makeover

My specialty! Read more my MUMMY MAKEOVER makeover service here.

If you feel like you need a bit of everything, I can do that too!

All this is done in the comfort of your own home with a non-judgmental but honest approach, as a PERSONAL STYLIST i’ll get you out the door quicker, feeling more stylish.

If you’d like more hours back in your day, read about the benefits of a WARDROBE PLANNER here or click here for videos showing how I use creative styling to make your purchases work harder!

wardrobe planner

A Wardrobe Makeover In Action!

This is one of my regular clients who has a large wardrobe, 2 jobs as well as being a mum so she needs me to do all her thinking and organising for her …and I love every visit! (she even pops to work and leaves me outfitting!)

She knows she only gets 20% wear from her purchases so understands the value I add by re-outfitting hundreds of other choices for her during a wardrobe makeover! She prints and files her photos to make choosing what to wear every morning completely stress-free.

PS: we don’t always make SO much mess as this!

personal stylist sydney

Your Investment

Benefits Of My Wardrobe Makeover Process

  • Cleanse your closet from unflattering, unnecessary styles
  • Create more outfits from garments you actually like, including new colour or pattern combinations
  • Remove the stress of getting ready every morning
  • Remove the guilt over not wearing some clothes & accessories
  • Show you how powerful accessories are when creating different looks
  • Create a versatile, capsule wardrobe that suits ALL your needs
  • Identify key fabrics for your lifestyle and show you their versatility
  • Help you understand why certain styles are hard to wear
  • Show you the types of patterns that flatter you best and those that don’t
  • Create a stronger personal ‘look’, relevant to your taste, lifestyle & budget
  • Highlight any gaps to help it become a functional mix & match wardrobe
  • Recommend appropriate fashion trends
  • Suggest alterations to bring new life to old or unflattering clothes
  • Re-purpose styles you no longer wear
  • Help tight clothes fit you better
  • Guide you in organising your clothes to create a serviceable wardrobe
  • Discuss flattering hair & make up choices
  • Increases confidence, reduces time & effort
  • Create your StyleSense ‘look book’ to refer to every time your get dressed!


You’ll learn valuable style tips throughout my image consultant service as I teach you the theory of what suits YOU & WHY, rather than just telling you how to dress.

See actual client outfits I’ve created here or read about my MAKEOVER PROCESS here

My Wardrobe Makeover Follow-up

  • Photographic ‘look book’ of your new outfits to reference every morning so you’ll no longer struggle with what to wear
  • Detailed shopping list of fashion styles you’d never have thought of which completes your dream wardrobe
  • Essential cheat sheet on how to flatter every body type
  • Guide to accessorising including examples from an exclusive photoshoot
  • Introducing you to my game changing ‘wardrobe hierarchy’ formula
  • A must-see visual to looking contemporary, rather than slavishly following fashion trends
  • 2 x Top Fashion Tips to help you 1/. shop smarter & 2/. care for your clothes, that every person should know
Personal stylist follow up

Want to fall in love with your wardrobe again? Then contact us today

Have more questions? Then read my ‘What I Don’t Do’ page so you feel completely comfortable

Other Ways to Enjoy Personal Style Makeovers

SESSION 1 : $895 3hr

This collaborative, strategy rich workshop delivers a comprehensive guide to looking like the best version of yourself!

$660 2hr + 1hr pre-shop before you arrive

You never have to shop again! I pre-shop your new capsule wardrobe, you arrive and we workshop the ‘new you’.

SESSION 1 + SHOP at reduced rate of $1,475 5hrs (RRP $1,555 – saving $80!) 

For a complete understanding of your body shape & colour, whilst kicking bad shopping habits that have cost you time & money, book the ultimate Full Makeover package.

This is the ultimate wardrobe outsourcing for total peace of mind.

Online Personal Styling Service – don’t live in Sydney? No problem!

Personal styling for men has become increasingly popular and I LOVE the results.

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